About Us

The Birth

In 2000, We started our journey from Thrissur as the first franchisee of CADD CENTRE in Kerala. Today UIT Group is one of the leading professional education provider in Kerala serving more than 2000 students at a time and gradually spreading its wings to different major cities in Kerala. UIT Group provides training in various segment like CAD, Animation, MEP Engineering, Tally, Interior Designing etc… UIT Group is now celebrating a decade of success full training and has moulded more than 10,000 designers who are working successfully in various industries around globally as our ambassadors.. Today we are continuing our journey to search new destinations.

UIT Group is accredited as the best partner of CADD Centre training service Pvt.Ltd. Wefeel honoured to be recognised as the platinum partners of CADD Centre and sincerely believe this achievement is theresult of our diligence and deserve perseverance to deliver high quality training and services to our students. Since its inception, the academy has been continuously raising the student of excellence in the CADD training as well as in placement assistance to our students.

Training Centre


World Class Training, World Over

CADD Centre offers training to engineering students and professionals on leading software products in their domains. Designing courses, developing course content and delivering courses.

Raising the Standards of Excellence

CADD Centre has been continuously raising the standards of excellence in the CADD training as well as in placement assistance.


Plan Your Career

Get inspired, challenged and energise about the future of design. World's largest Network of CADD Skill development Centres. 8,00,000 plus students got trained worldwide.